
Updated: Nov 27, 2020

I’ve received some very positive feedback about I appreciate you taking the time to visit, and am grateful for your input now and into the future.

Allow me a moment to clarify the intention of this site. I want to get you thinking. I want others to think. I want us all to think a lot more. Of course, all thinking must be followed up by doing, right? Never forget that important step!

As a writer and a marketer, I’m constantly asked by bosses and clients to keep it shortdumb it downmake it pithy. Why? Because people don’t read, they tell me. They don’t have an attention span. Yeah, that’s what you want to hear, as a writer.

Those who know me well enough should realize that I spend quite a bit of time thinking. Literature, philosophy, baseball, science, song lyrics, why I never took guitar lessons, how I’d like to be an astronaut. That and infinitely more.

Thinking is not very commonplace these days, and that’s distressing to me. We live in a very narcissistic world, one of selfies, tweets and people out for themselves and themselves only. And the bickering? Left versus Right. Black versus White. Socialist versus Capitalist. It never ends.

Now, this is where tc starts thinking again. You see, this website has my mug and my thoughts plastered wall to wall. My god, how much more narcissistic can you get?

That horrifying thought occurred to me today, which prompted this note. The words you read, the videos you watch and the photos you peruse here are not meant to unleash a worldwide Tim-fest! No no no!!! Their only intention is to encourage you to think and, ultimately, to do.

Consider this site to be jumper cables for your noggin’, heart, feet and hands. The more we think, the more we’ll see the world from other perspectives and, hopefully, the more we’ll begin to accept that life extends farther than where we stand.

Turn the camera around. There’s a helluva lot to see if you do.

