A Look Back...week of 7/10/16

A few quick hits, looking back at the week of 7/10/16.

The weird...

Makin' my week...

  • Doc appointment. Heart’s behaving, which is good. Took this shot of cardiac defibrillators through the years. Pull this out when you think you’re having a crappy day. (Read Now for background on the ticker.)

  • The boys are back! Pudge The World’s Greatest Dog has been dealing with a bum knee for a few months. Our daily walks were suspended but not no’ mo'! A mile in the morning, a little more at night. Two old friends diggin’ a little fresh air together.

  • Bonnie, the neighbor. Retired bank teller lives down the block. She’s out every single morning, rain or shine, in her reflector vest carrying a flash light and umbrella. I’m her junior by 20 years or so, but the woman could lap me twice around the ‘hood. Go, girl, go!

  • Nancy, the neighbor. The woman next door is getting ready to put a sign in the yard. Been here 35+ years. Gave me a red gift back of UC gear to give Mal and Anna…things she found while packing up boxes. One of those good-feeling moments you don’t expect.

  • We cut the cable! Even with higher speed internet, we’ll be saving about $130 a month. Whatever will I do without my MTV?

  • New old music. Downloads from the week: Pet Sounds, one of the more innovative records to come out of the 60’s. Listen in the context of the times and you’ll hear why. Lou Reed, various cuts. Just so damn cool.

  • Look Who’s Back. A German film (English subtitles) about Hitler coming back in present-day Germany. Sounds weird…is weird. First half was side-splittingly funny, especially the dry cleaner scene. But the second half was like watching Fox News. Is this fictional Germany or the Republican National Convention?

  • Irish Pubs. English subtitles to help you understand Irish pub owners speaking in English…sort of. This is why so many people want to go to Ireland. Hint…it’s not about the beer. It’s about the people.

What made your week?

Get out there and enjoy!

