It's mental health (It's guns)
Let me get this straght. We don't have a gun issue, it's a mental health issue (pro-gun). I see (not really).
Okay then, let's address the need for better mental health care in the United States (pro-mental health care). Oh but wait, that will take money so that the government can fund these efforts. Wait, we don't want our taxes to increase, do we (anti-tax, anti-government)? Can't have "gubmint" running something as critical as mental health care, dammit (anti-gubmint)!

Okay, let's privatize mental health care (anti-government, pro-capitalism). "Phil's Mental Health Emporium! Sign up now and get one month's worth of Olanzapine at half price! Nevermind that you can't rationalize this advertisement because you're living in a delusional state (explotative capitalism)!" Yep, it's just that easy.
Or we could do nothing and send our kids to school in flak jackets (pro-gun, pro-toughen 'em up). "Have a great day, Johnny! Study hard and keep your head down (anti-common sense)!"
Guns are a right, by golly (pro-gun). Says so in the Constitution, ya know (pro-government), which of course is a man-made document created by flawed human beings with the same capacity for poor judgement as today's bumper crop of bought-and-paid-for politicians (anti-government). Those Forefathers were a perfect bunh, weren't they (pro-government)? Never screwed up anything! Anyway, got to protect ourselves from tyrants looking to take over the country (anti-government overreach)! Because politicians are people who take things over with guns (anti-government). No wait. That's the military (anti-military). But they have guns so they're the good guys, right (pro-gun)? Don't matter, my Colt 45 will take care of those tyrant RPGs, no problem (delusional).
Don't mess with my guns, dammit (pro-gun). The kids? Well, as Jeb says, stuff happens (WTF).
Timothy Condron
October 6, 2015