Do you know who you are? Who you really are? Not your name...your identity.
I do. Finally. And I have a lot of people to thank for that. Like Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Vladamir Putin, Bashar al Assad, and ISIS. People who worry more about the possession of guns than life itself. People who respond to a debate with sound bytes, unable or unwilling to think for themselves and discuss issues at length. People driven by fear of others, fear of the unknown, fear of what will be taken from them. People who hate and kill because of another person’s race or religion or lack of religion or sexual orientation.
And then there’s my heart. The damn thing almost gave out on me about two years ago. But now it pumps with conviction, with a desire to do good…for myself, my family and friends, for total strangers. Never knowing when my heart may misbehave has given me the incentive to do good things now, instead of waiting for tomorrow.
One good thing I’d like to do is share a video I just watched. The topic is divisive…Syrian refugees. But Milana Vayntrub has done a remarkable job of sharing her refugee story and the story of many others going through hell on earth. I’m not sure what I can add at this moment, but I feel it’s important to spread her message. Maybe you’ll have an idea how you can help. I’m considering my options now.
#CantDoNothing. Very inspiring. Keep not doing nothing, Milana, and I’ll try my best to do good for others, too. I’m pretty sure it’s part of who I really am.